
This is one of the platforms that connects patients and doctors or professionals qualified practitioners to interact more efficiently in relation to their health

What you should know about Clinical?

Clinical can help all professional practitioners manage their patient intuitively. There are several features embedded in this platform which are, teleconsultation, queue system, appointment system, referral letter and else. 


Clinical is a platform that you can benefit from confidential video consultations with expert practitioners in a variety of medical areas including general medicine, dermatology, cardiology, psychiatry, and speech therapy, no matter where you are or when you need them.

You can now get answers to your health-related queries, medical advice, or an opinion or diagnosis in only a few clicks. To conduct remote consultations, all practitioners are certified, experienced, and trained. They adhere to the ethical and professional norms that govern their work. In line with local legislation, they have the authority to deliver foreign prescriptions and medical certifications.

Our Features


This system is a process of improving this clinical platform by managing customer’s waiting experience. Queue system is a web based queue accessibilities with SMS & email notification. Customers can be identified and segmented before they arrive, enabling to personalize the patient experience. 



Teleconsultation is a service which you can now get answers to your health-related queries, medical advice, or an opinion or diagnosis in only a few clicks. To conduct remote consultations, all practitioners are certified, experienced, and trained. They adhere to the ethical and professional norms that govern their work. In line with local legislation, they have the authority to deliver foreign prescriptions and medical certifications.

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